Could you donate £10 to help us support the most vulnerable people in our community during the current health crisis?

Coronavirus is affecting us al but it has hit some people much harder than others. We are here ready to help but we can't do it without you.

Please help us to support the most vulnerable people in our community. PLEASE DONATE JUST £10 NOW.

If you can donate £10 please email Sean Daly at [email protected] and he will call you back or call the Trust office on 020 7740 0503.

Your donation will help us support the following vital activities:-

  • Our befriending call centre for Voluntary Services Lewisham with over 1,000 calls made to date
  • Support for Local Food Banks
  • Delivery service of food and medical items for over 60 “shielded” residents
  • Education and physical activities for key workers' children attending school
  • Delivery of emergency food parcels to families that are eligible for FREE school meals
  • Offer of the Lions Centre to any homeless charity that needs to house any individual away from the street environment
  • NHS blood donation service
  • Food camps and multisports delivery to vulnerable children
  • Storage and distribution centre for PPE for local hospitals
  • On line education services

As one Lewisham resident said recently "I would like to thank Millwall and its' Community Trust for the support they give families during these challenge times. Knowing there is someone to talk to helped me with my self-isolation and mental wellbeing."