Millwall Community Trust have had another successful year working with schools across Lewisham and Southwark.

We have:   

  • Worked with 19 schools 
  • Run 26 regular school provisions each week 
  • Worked with 900 children via the Move and Learn Programme 
  • Ran five Joy of Moving Festivals working with another 1000 children  
  • Held over 10 football tournaments 
  • Held 67 Premier League Primary Stars sessions 
  • Worked with over 3,000 children in total 

91% of teachers believe that Premier League Primary Stars has increased their pupils enjoyment of sport and physical activity.*

Emily Poole, Millwall Community Trust’s Primary Schools Co-Ordinator said: "It’s been a pleasure working with our local schools in the past year. 

"We’ve really enjoyed meeting every single participant and are delighted they have enjoyed the sessions we have delivered. 

"We are really looking forward to the next academic year and once again working with as many schools as possible in Lewisham and Southwark."

If you work at or know a local school who would be interested in finding out more about the services we can provide for them, please contact Emily via email:

[email protected]

*Figures based on National figures