Millwall Community Trust (MCT) EDI & Safeguarding Lead Jason Vincent, former Lions player Les Briley and Club Historian Dave Sullivan attended Appleby Blue Almshouse on Tuesday afternoon.

Appleby Blue Almshouse in Bermondsey, south London is a social housing development for over-65-year-olds that responds with immense thoughtfulness to the challenge of people wanting to stay in the city, and neighbourhoods they know and love, as they get older.

Former Millwall midfielder Briley made 227 appearances for The Lions between 1984-1991 and was in attendance to talk through his illustrious career with the residents whilst sharing stories on his time at SE16.

Club Historian Dave Sullivan spoke about the history of the football club and engaged in conversations with the residents on their favourite moments supporting Millwall.

There was also an opportunity for the residents to get autographs and photos with Les Briley.

Following on from the session, residents, staff, Les Briley, Dave Sullivan and Jason Vincent all enjoyed an excellent Pie & Mash from Pie Den Cafe who cooked all the food fresh at Appleby Blue Almshouse.

Jason Vincent, MCT EDI & Safeguarding Lead said: “It was a fantastic afternoon with the residents listening to Les and Dave’s stories of Millwall FC throughout the years and the strong relationship the club and trust have been for the community in Bermondsey.

“I would like to thank Morgan Tune and her team at Appleby Blue for hosting us. A big thank you to Les Briley and Dave Sullivan for sharing their memories with the residents. 

“Finally a huge thank you for the delicious pie and mash from Pie Den Cafe.”