Sean Daly Millwall Community Trust CEO quoted – “Firstly can I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year. On New Year’s Day the Community Trust launched our new sponsorship brochure for 2020 (which can be download here). I hope you will take a few minutes to browse through it. In recent months, the Trust has introduced a new Business Plan together with a new staffing structure and we are really starting to make a fresh impact on peoples lives in the local communities of Lewisham and Southwark. This is where we deliver our programmes that are so effective in tackling anti-social behaviour, disability issues, knife crime, health and well-being, mental health issues, obesity, racism and much more. In order to deliver these programmes and in an era when public sector resources are under strain we rely on external financial support to continue with our much needed and valued work. If you are able to sponsor any of our programmes, I would very much appreciate that support to continue our positive work in the community. Thanks for all your support” The work of the Millwall Community Trust is essential to the local community, we have sponsorship opportunities to support this work. Download sponsorship brochure , or email [email protected]