Did you know that schools who enter our EFL Kids Cup get to play for the opportunity to represent Millwall and the local area in the South East finals held at professional football clubs training grounds and the chance to potentially play in the nationwide finals at Wembley? Our winners, Holy Trinity Primary School, will now be competing against the best teams in the surrounding areas. We are extremely proud to be the only providers who are able to offer this fantastic opportunity to all the primary schools throughout Lewisham and Southwark and we’d love to have you all join us next year.


Millwall Community Trust works with many local schools, offering a number of programmes. Being the only professional football club in the area, we feel very strongly about working with our local schools and children to help inspire them through the power of sport. We can offer both Premier League and EFL (English Football League) initiatives and workshops, after school clubs as well as curriculum PE lessons and so much more.

When schools choose to work with us, we don’t just deliver exceptional lessons but we also give our school partners FREE tickets to home games at The Den for their pupils and parents and the opportunity to have first team players visit their schools. We also welcome our partner schools to come down for stadium tours and the opportunity to play on our fantastic facilities at the Lions Centre. If you would like more information about how we can work with you to help inspire your children, please contact our Football and Sports Development Manager Tim Sells via [email protected]


A quote from one on our amazing partners, Riverside Primary School:

“We have worked with MCT over the last few years and have built a good working relationship. The coaches have made an impact in school academically and socially. They have encouraged children who were not keen on sports to participate and ensured that they have been able to develop a positive attitude towards a range of sports. Children across the school who weren't Millwall fans now are and through the club sending free tickets they have been able to attend games and become part of the Millwall community. Working with Millwall has brought us a range of advantages through staff training, extra curricular activities as well as the chance for children to visit the stadium and attend matches. The Kick and Cook programme was excellent and the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about healthy foods and how food and exercise come together to benefit a healthy lifestyle.

We hope to continue this work with the community trust in the future.” Riverside Primary School