Last week, Emma Mitchell, mum of Millwall first team player Billy Mitchell, spoke to parents about how he came to be the amazing player he is.

Speaking at The Lions Centre, she emphasised the importance of a Community Trust, and just how much of a significant role it played in her son’s life. Billy was scouted as a young player whilst attending a Community Trust’s holiday camp. These camps give kids the opportunity to showcase their talents whilst also learning new skills from UEFA B and FA licensed Coaches and the chance to participate in matches and various sports.

After being scouted on the holiday camp, Mitchell went into the Trust’s player development programme, much like our very own player performance pathway. On these programmes/pathways, players are able to improve their skills, learn new techniques, and are taught just what it takes to enter professional football.

From the development centre, Billy progressed to academy level, and went on to become the amazing player we see now at Millwall.
During the talk, Emma Mitchell also spoke about how they supported Billy throughout his journey, what they did to stay committed, and how they encouraged all parents to do the same.

Sean Daly, CEO of the Community Trust, said: “It was great to hear from Emma about Billy’s journey to becoming a first team player. Many parents are unsure about how they can support their children on their journeys, and Emma helped give them a clear idea on how to take them to the next level.

The holiday camps and player development centres at Community Trusts, including Millwall, are so important for children and we would encourage everyone to join them as they provide top level coaching and a clear pathway to academy football.

I’m happy to say that we offer all those programmes here with fantastic bonuses, such as, free tickets to game!”.

If you’re interested in taking your child to the next level, contact Tim Sells to find out more– [email protected]