Role: Team Leader

Payment: £1,215

Length of role: 10 days

Dates: Various Dates between July & August 2022. See ‘Work Dates’ below, Option to work more than 1 wave.

Location: 5 days at an Activity Centre, 5 days in London.

Residential Requirements: Residential for Phase 1 & 2. non-residential for Phase 3.

Reports to: Wave Leader

The team leader is an integral part of the NCS Staff team as they bridge the relationship between young people and the NCS ethos. They are the primary point of contact for their team of young people and are responsible for facilitating their participation through the programme.

You will Inspire and support lead a team of 16–17-year-olds through a 3 Phase programme, acting as their role model and mentor, pushing each team member to reach their full potential and get the most out of the NCS programme.

This role is suitable for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual who has experience with working with young people and leading engaging sessions whilst being able to motivate others and act as a positive role model.

Main Responsibilities:

· Pastorally care for a team of up to 16 young people, overseeing the health, safety, and behaviour management of the group at all times, and working collaboratively with other team leaders, wave lead and other members of the NCS team.

· Ensure the engagement and participation of all young people in all sessions.

· Participate in a variety of outdoor activities and facilitate & deliver curriculum sessions to the team in an engaging and inspiring way.

· Empower each team member to develop a range of new skills, encouraging them to reflect upon their own progress and development.

· Assist visits to community partners & charities and facilitate your team as they design and deliver a successful and meaningful Social Action Project.

· Follow Millwall Community Trusts (MCT) safeguarding policies and procedures, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all young people.

Person Specification


· The ability to manage and motivate a group of young people through a range of activities.

· Experience in delivering engaging session to young people and following our curriculum at MCT.

· Experience of working with young people in a fast-paced environment, and the ability to make decisions in a timely manner, work flexibly and adaptively.

· Ability to handle sensitive information in a professional manner, in line with our policies.

· Strikingly positive and motivated attitude, with a passion for building stronger communities and seeing change in society.


· Experience of working in a residential environment (preferably with young people)

· The ability to follow a set curriculum, adapting it to suit different audiences

· An awareness and understanding of equality and diversity

· Commitment to personal and professional development

About the NCS Programme

We are a local delivery partner for the National Citizen Service (NCS), a life-changing experience for 16-17-year old’s. The scheme is available to young people from all backgrounds to take part in outdoor activities, meet new people and give something back to their local communities.

They achieve this by completing three phases:

· Phase 1: Up to 3 socially mixed teams of young people bond through a few days of challenging outdoor activities and engaging evening sessions.

· Phase 2: Young people learn new skills such as public speaking, CV and interview skills, Money management and Career development.

· Phase 3: Teams work to design and deliver a campaign and social action projects that will bring the local community together. In order to gain funding and advice on their projects, the young people pitch to a ‘Dragons Den’ style panel of influential people in their community and also volunteer some of their time too.

Safeguarding Statement and Requirements

MCT is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people taking part in the program We expect all staff and post holders to share this commitment. As part of this commitment to providing a safe environment for our young people, we require all candidates to return a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate for Millwall Community Trust.

MCT will assist with the DBS application for, and reimburse candidates the cost for the processing of, a new DBS upon completion of candidates’ role.

We also require two satisfactory references. Both references should be from someone who knows you in a professional or academic context.


As a pre-condition of employment and to familiarise you with the requirements of the program MCT requires all applicants to undertake a Training program. This is non-residential training based in London which will cover elements that are critical to the role such as safeguarding, health and safety, first aid and other essential policy or processes necessary to undertake the role. Training will be up to two (2) days.

We reserve the right to withdraw our offer of employment should this training program not be completed in a satisfactory manner.

Working Environment

All meals and accommodation are provided during the NCS residential phases, generally in an outdoor activity center.

Phase 3 will be non-residential on a 09:00 – 17:00 basis and not catered.

To be placed on a wave you must be available for all dates for the chosen wave including any bank holidays – preference will be given to candidates who can work multiple waves during the summer.

Work Dates: Applicants must be available to work each day for their chosen wave

Wave.                     Phase 1 & 2 (Residential)                        Phase 3 (Non-Residential)

1.                              25th July – 29th July                                   1st August – 5th August

2.                              01st August – 5th August                           8th August – 12th August

3.                              08th August – 12th August                        15th August – 19th August

If you would like to apply, please email Joubin Sarrami - [email protected]