Professional Boxer and Millwall Community Trust Ambassador Chris Kongo has started mentoring some of our Alternative Provision students.

Millwall’s AP Academy Programme is a part-time alternative education provision delivered by Millwall Community Trust (MCT) and acts as a precursor to our post-16 football academy programme. 

The AP Academy provides Key stage 4 and Year 9 students opportunities to study towards a BTEC Sport qualification, Employability, and industry specific qualifications, whilst partaking in practical, sport-related activities and learning.

Chris Kongo said: “The young generation needs more good role models around them teaching and leading them to their dreams. 

“My aim and purpose are to show help and plan how they can achieve their full potential.”

John Scarborough, Millwall Community Trust’s Education and Employability Manager said: “Massive respect from Chris to take time out of his busy training schedule to come down and support in the community and particularly agree to mentor some of our young people ongoing. 

"The feedback from the young people involved was really positive and already we can see a change in their mindset towards their future growth potential. As Chris would probably acknowledge the community is a big thing for Chris and so he can relate so well to the young people we work with."

To find out more Millwall's AP Programme, contact: [email protected]