Bleed control kits have been installed at Millwall Community Trust and Millwall FC providing access to life-saving first aid treatment in the event of a traumatic bleed injury.

One wall-mounted kit has been placed within the ground and another is on the neighbouring Millwall Community Trust’s Lions Centre sports facility, where it can be accessed by members of the public 24/7.

The kits were unveiled by Millwall FC players Zian Flemming and George Saville who are the team’s community ambassadors for various projects.

Millwall Community Trust provides outreach services across Lewisham and Southwark, including in health, unemployment, education and crime prevention.

Sean Daly, Millwall Community Trust CEO, said: “We are supportive of all initiatives that keep our community safe and healthy, we have a lot of foot fall within the community centre and surrounding areas, and this bleed control kit and can provide that vital life-saving treatment should the worst happen”.

The kits were donated to the club by Matt Lane, who is on a mission to get bleed control kits placed in as many communities as possible, and Mere Supplies Ltd, providers of the equipment.

Matt, whose son is a Millwall FC fan, raised money for the cabinets, while Mere Supplies donated the kits.

Matt started his campaign after reading about a rise in knife crime in the news and because his own father was stabbed to death in front of him when he was a child.

It was just two days before his 13th birthday when Matt Lane watched helplessly as his dad, Steve, was violently attacked by a gang outside their home.

Through his fundraising efforts, 11 kits have already been placed in and around London and Kent, in memory of Steve, including nine schools, a pub, a business and a high street.

Matt’s preferred bleed control kit is from Mere Supplies Ltd, a company founded by paramedics Kyle Raffo and Bradley Sadat-Shafai. They developed them after realising, through 10 years of frontline emergency service, that most first aid kits aren’t fit for purpose in the event of a stabbing or other traumatic bleed injury.

They are on their own mission to halt deaths from knife crime by donating 100 kits to communities across the UK.

After hearing about Matt’s campaign, Mere Supplies decided to pledge 10 bleed control kits and training on how to use them, to his cause.

Matt said: “I got to thinking about this a few months ago when I found my dad’s postmortem papers during a house move. At the same time, the news is constantly full of stabbings and knife-related deaths, including in my local area.

“I just wanted to do something to make a difference. My dad was stabbed many times and I’m not saying that one of these kits would have saved him, but I know the devastating impact of losing someone in this way.

“Sadly, there seems to be so many stabbings taking place these days, and ambulances can’t always attend straight away, yet the first few minutes after a knife wound are vital - and if I can save just one life, then it’s worth it.

“My son and father-in-law watch matches at Millwall regularly so it was one of the locations I decided to reach out to and I’m delighted they share my passion.”

Kyle, who appeared in several series of Channel 4’s fly-on-the-wall documentary 999: On the Front Line, said: “Matt shares the same goals we do and so we are delighted to be able to support his campaign in memory of his dad in this way.

“As paramedics, we’ve watched people die in front of us because we couldn’t get there any sooner and yet for the sake of a simple piece of kit, a life could be saved.

“Every minute can be one too many in the case of a catastrophic haemorrhage, without the right type of first aid, such as a tourniquet, being applied as quickly as possible.

“We’re happy to have supported the Millwall FC and Community Trust installations and to have this life-saving equipment accessible to the community in such a prominent place.”